The channel began in April 2015 on Youtube and exploded in popularity. This may still need tweaking or even be unplayable on some peoples PCs sorry if this is the case for you! The Simply Austin Channel is a unique blend cutting edge video tutorials on some of the most entertaining systems and programs out there. It has no options menu and each setting has had to be inputted painstakingly to get it to work without issues for as many people as possible to make it as compatible across the board as I can. It was played on a Taito Type X+ Arcade machine 🙂 But now you can play it at home OR on your Cab, HTPC, Laptop wherever you want! REMEMBER guys: This is not a Console or PC game although it does run on the PC.
This is the ACTUAL VERSION IN THE ARCADES and I have made it FULLY PLAYABLE on YOUR PC. Taito Type X Zero games.įull DOWNLOAD and INSTALL guide for RAIDEN 3 Arcade Game. Drivers (Windows XP Embedded), games running on Taito Type X will NOT run on the Taito Type X² platform and vice versa. The Taito Type X is an arcade system board released by Taito Corporation in 2004.